This week I went twice n there r another 3 more meetings planned. I worked and will be working w patients at the Hospice. What really...

2020 Christmas will be different ...
Over the years, I have been making my own Christmas greeting cards, this year I am doing something special. Ya, something out of the...

Tower Bersama
2020 is a year I will not forget for a long long time. The retail business tanked and a few of the tourists outlets where I parked my...

And ... Kamcheng makes 3!!! Yes... 3!!! Going to the United Kingdom ! I am ecstatic ! #TGBAG

Going to UK !
Sometimes, it is not the sale that excites me but rather the places the paintings or merchandise are going that makes me grin the whole...

Available at The Art Faculty
Reproduction of our joint works with Special Artists, Ben Koh and Christian Tan, on lens’ cloths. Available at The Art Faculty, Enabling...

The Vanda Ms Joaquim Thermos Flask
I put up a post on Facebook yesterday . I asked my friends to pre order the flask if they are interested. A day later, I have sold out a...

Celebrating Partnerships
Today, we celebrate our partnership. Together w our special artists, Ben and Christian, Ying and I are in business for collaborations and...

6 years and 22 fundraiser paintings
22 Oct 2014 was exactly 6 years ago. I remember being very excited to be approached for the very first time to paint for a fundraiser. ...

Cushy job?
Whoever thinks painting is a cushy job, can I ask that you think again? AIYOO, it is not just paint only! Folks, do you know art...