My first price adjustment in 6 years...
This will be the very first price adjustment for my merchandise since 2016. Can’t hold the prices any longer, your understanding is...

First sale of 2022 !!!
I have sold my first painting for 2022! This is also the first time I sold a piece that is still in the works. I am simply over the...

First painting for 2022
First painting for 2022. Something out of my comfort zone. Well, no venture no gain, so here I am, figuring things out … how to make this...

2022 is my year, the year of the roaring tiger! Sixty is 60. In numerals or alphabet, in any language… 60 is 60. Let camera filters kid...

2021... and it is a WRAP !
#157 Jessie 24" x 30" Oil on canvas Commissioned artwork Jessie. "Jessie in Swan Lake" was commissioned after I started my series on...

Showing at ... i12 Mall
I am so pleased. These are my works on display by SOUND OF ART GALLERY occupying level 1 and 2 of i12 Mall which has just opened. i12...

Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Took time off today to do this. So many good cards out there, it is hard to come out with something original. So after researching, I...

The DECADE ahead...
I had texted him, a friend of the same vintage. His birthday today, so I wished him "A blessed birthday" . Funnily, he ended up wishing...

12.12 is a day of frenzy buying … consumerism at its peak before Christmas. Over here at our end, we got busy too … 2 paintings SOLD!!!...

Works on Display
End of the year always sets me in a reflective mood. As I look back over the past 6 years, I marvel at the opportunities tt were given to...