Hope on the Horizon
#154 Hope on the Horizon 24” by 30” Oil on canvas Auction artwork for HOME<<<Afghanistan Charity Art Auction 13 Nov 2021 In partnership...

This is my #152 painting. Upcast means cast upwards. It is also opposite of downcast. Upcast can also mean looking up as in “upcast...

An Art Fundraiser for Afghan women and children
Some of my friends have asked me, “ So, what’s next?” Truth be told, I don’t plan my things, somehow they come and I just paint. This is...

Painting "Venus"
A milestone in my art journey, painting the beautiful derrière of my awesome client. I feel so honoured that she trusted me with this...

Thank you, Dear Angel !
Lately, I have been blessed by a flurry of interest in my work. I was curious and decided to don my Nancy Drew hat. After some tracking,...

A friend once asked me how I felt when people looked at my paintings. Honestly, it was unnerving at first but over the years, I have...

When I took the step to seriously embark on my art journey 6 years ago, I didn’t know what to expect. At 50 something something then, the...

HCA Project 2
Here’s the lineup making their first appearance. Present status is WORK IN PROGRESS. When measures are relaxed, I will bring the canvases...

Ready to ... leave
I will be lying if I tell you I don’t ‘feel’ anything when a painting leaves me. The oils stay w me for at least 3 to 6 months before I...

Wedding Art
Getting married? Just bought a new place? You are thinking, maybe can do something together... do something for the new home ... perhaps...