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花开福贵 心想狮城

 January to February 2019 

 Chinatown Heritage Centre

Singapore is a young nation that has progressed beyond all expectations, driven primarily by the passion and diligence of her people. I was inspired by the resilience of the orchids and the diversity of the hybrids which captures so much of the essence of Singapore. 

The 6 hybrids were chosen with the commemoration of the Bicentennial  in mind. I painted  Vanda Ms Joaquim which is our National Flower, the Aranda Lee Kuan Yew which is a hydrid named after our founding father. Behind the great man of Lee Kuan Yew is a solidly powerful woman who stood by her man,  I painted Vanda Kwa Geok Choo. To represent independence and freedom, Paravanda Nelson Mandela was added into the series. 

We started counting the Bicentennial from 1819 where Singapore was a British Colony, I painted my favourite Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the Vanda William Catherine and still on the theme of British rule, I painted Dendrobium Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady , one that I admire, the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

The Orchid Series is my 5th Edition in Sketches of Singapore Series. This launch started different right from the beginning. For one, I didI am honoured and privileged to partner Chinatown Heritage Centre, Caregivers Alliance and the nursing students of  Nanyang Polytechnic in this exhibition.  We experimented with a new kind of display, we added props to create an oasis feel to the whole gallery area. This exhibition  is more than a regular art exhibition, it is about inclusiveness, it is about empowering caregivers and about mental health in a setting where time stood still, an oasis in Chinatown. 

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To God Be All Glory!

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