Living @ 55

Reunions are fun. It brings back wonderful memories of yesteryears. My JC class of 80 had a reunion, a 30 years anniversary reunion. 7 years ago, the year 2010. We walked down memory lane and had a blast of a time. We carried on with FAB50 in 2012 and G35(35th anniversary) in 2015. This year, 2017, we will have a CPF Party!
For me and I think for a lot of people too, the class reunion created many opportunities to link up, reunited many, converted many familiar strangers to good friends. I met many people and count some of my closest friends here. Some on home ground, some in other continents. The ACSian warmth evident, the connections and reconnections easy.
It started here. It was Corinne Lam who persuaded me to go for art classes some 4 years ago. It was the class gatherings that got me connected to Joyce Tan again and it was also the gatherings that prompted a FB friend request and I befriended Yoke Ying . I was drawn to their works. When the idea of an exhibition came up, I initiated meetings with the 2 girls. We started talking about it one and half years ago. The time has come. 2017 is the year. NOW. Living @55 is our first joint exhibition. Happening on April 21 to May 5 at SUTD.
Each of us have our own stories. Won't bore you but seriously, at 55 years, we are simply over the moon that we are able to do what we love, we love what we do and even better, to make a living out of it. Haha... some times more, many times less. We have sold our works, we have been commissioned. Just so very recently, the three of us teamed up for a series of sketches for the SUTD library. You can say we have earned our bonafides.😉
Come April 21, we will be holding our first joint exhibition at the SUTD library showcasing 55 pieces of our works, some old, some new. Three of us, three different styles, interpretations and genres. There are no emperor's new clothes, we paint what we see and you can be assured that every stroke is heartfelt. Come, see for yourselves.
We are so pleased to present LIVING@55. Colors of our Publicity Materials in ACS tones to mark our roots in ACJC. Yes, indeed The Best is Yet to Be.
To God be all glory. HIS mighty hand was evident right from beginning in the planning of this exhibition. So many things cropped but each time, miraculously things get sorted out. We are thankful and grateful to angels who have helped us put this together.
55 is a milestone year. We celebrate with our first joint art exhibition. Come, join us! We will be most honoured to have your presence. #TGBAG #TBIYTB