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Setting up for ... "glacy and friends" Instalment One

Setting up always makes me excited. Very much blessed and helped by the kind folks at Chinatown Heritage Centre who were on hand to help us drill and hang. I am so thankful and grateful to the kind staff at the Centre.

This is my third showcase and I still have the jitters. For me, it is not just a simple showcase of works, it is a bold step of courage and guts, to be able to subject my work to scrutiny. Love them. Hate them. I have to stomach ALL comments. Because Art is personal and it is impossible to please everyone. I have come this far, there is no turning back. Haha... I will just have to soldier on and grow a thick hide!

Was at CHC this afternoon. Did some readjustments to the layout and well, my wall is almost complete. A couple more pieces and the July quota will be reached. As I stood at CHC, looking at the pieces on the wall, I can't help but feel a surge of joy. Ya, at 55 ... 3rd showcase... an art journey of 4 years. How did I do it? I don't know but God knows. To HIM be all glory.

Right now, I am feeling the toll on my 55 year old body but the joy and happiness inside me more than make up for my physical fatigue. I love my work.

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