4 going on 5...

July 12, 2013, I attended my first art class (after A levels!) and started on an art journey that surprises even me! So much has happened in these 4 years, I have painted nearly 200 pieces, I have sold my works, I have been commissioned, I have ventured into retailing and miraculously, by the grace of God my works and merchandise have gone to far more places round the world than me. I have much to be thankful and grateful for.
There are some things I have learnt in this journey and some times some of these things remain, no matter the length of time.
4 years later, I still love exploring different medium, I still hop from subject to subject. It is hard to describe what kind of style and what kind of art I do? I get asked that a lot. A very nice friend told me that I can be considered "eclectic". I guess that would probably be a good and accurate word to describe me? Unless, another word comes along, 'eclectic' it shall be ! Hahaha
4 years later, I have gone from painting for fun to painting professionally. I am painting for friends, for private clients, for institutions, for banks and for corporations.
4 years later, I have launched 4 editions of sketch artworks and I have 4 retail points which sell my merchandise.
4 years later, I still prefer to paint works that can be easily understood. I still struggle with abstract. Can't understand too much of it. Am not quite sure I will ever do abstract art, but things happen, I will never say never!
4 years later, like most people, I love compliments but though it may be a little hard in the beginning, I have been able, over these 4 years, to also stomach criticisms. Love my works, hate them? I won't take things personally. In the world of art, everyone is entitled to their preferences or dislikes. My heart and stomach have been conditioned.
4 years later, I have fallen so deeply in love with painting, I cannot imagine my life without it.
It has been a wondrous 4 years, I am so looking forward to my 5th. Come what may, I know I will continue to paint and have fun.
To God Be all glory. Thank YOU for letting me paint. Thank YOU so very VERY much.