Hope on the Horizon

#154 Hope on the Horizon 24” by 30” Oil on canvas Auction artwork for HOME<<<Afghanistan Charity Art Auction 13 Nov 2021 In partnership with Sound of Art Gallery, The Life Art and Hagar International. Premiere Prints Pte Ltd will sponsor the frame for the painting.
This piece was painted as a Commission. It was based on an original capture of a beautiful sunset. My kindhearted client then told me tt if there is a worthy cause, he is willing to donate this piece. This fundraiser came along and the idea of helping Afghan women n children resonates well w my client. And so, this piece was donated with 100% of proceeds to this Fundraiser. Yesterday, I received news that there was a bid for the artwork. Today, I had it confirmed. I am overjoyed that the reserve price has been secured! I pray that this piece will find favour and I hope to see more bids so that more funds can be raised. If you feel led to help and you like this piece, please contact Samantha at +6583515088. Tickets for the dinner are still available. #TGBAG