The part of painting that I enjoy most is filling in the details. I find it totally therapeutic to go over and over again to fine tune my work. At the end of the day, I will sit back, take a photo and then STARE at the image before I sleep. I think through what else I need to improve or repaint and how much more I need to do to make the canvas come alive.
Today's work is all about the feathers. There are many colours applied onto the canvas besides the ones that are obvious. Base colours are important too. Painters will know that when it comes to fur and feathers, it is all about layering and the base paint must be sufficiently dry before we apply the next. This piece was sitting on an easel in my living room all weekend ...yep, drying.
So, am I done with the feather work? Ah... undecided at the moment cos first, i need to STARE at it ttonight ! Hahaha