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Threescore plus One !

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do." – Helen Keller

My Dear Friends, Thank you for your well wishes on my birthday. My phone was busy yesterday. I received your warm messages and I feel your love. Turned 61 yesterday. Lol … big number. For me, I have no reason to lament the loss of my youth. Clearly, those days are gone. I embrace my age and whatever that comes along with it. However, very recently, I received an invitation from a “soon to be 60 year old” friend. The details of the invite was to a “Barbie n Ken” themed birthday party! Haha… told you! Lost what?!?! Older people also knows how to have fun!! Ok, getting older gives me clarity to what I like and of cos… dislike. How I want to live in this season of my life has never been clearer. The artist in me rejoices, not just at times when I sell my paintings but of greater meaning is the opportunities that come my way to use my paintings in fundraisers. Just before the big 61, the amount crossed $250k! I can only say TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY. This photo was taken by The Husband before the “Follow The Sun” paintings were collected for the SADEAF GALA. I want to add that, like the sunflowers, I chose to look towards the sun and not be bothered by the shadows. Don’t know what lies ahead but I plan to live well, to be kind and to stay close to God Almighty. Bless you, dear friends. Thank You for journeying with me,



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